Privacy Policy

The kind of policy that a company employs toward the clients’ private data is extremely important in the modern world where the information worth one's weight in gold and any leak or disclosure is considered not only unprofessional but also illegal. On this page you can find information about the rules that we apply to our privacy policy.

We don’t ask you to give us any personal information unless there are objective reasons for this. (We understand that the services that ask about your gender, age or income level without explaining the purposes of such questions are working not in a very proper way).

Your personal information is not shared by us with the third party by no means unless there is such a necessity in case we must comply with the law, this information is needed for our products developing or for protection of our rights.

We don’t store your personal information on our servers unless there is a need in it for the continuous functioning of our services.

In our blogging services we have done our best to make it really simple for you to be at the controls of which information is seen to other users, what is visible to the search engines, what is private and hidden from the public and what is permanently deleted.

Every person without reference to gender, age, class or race has a right to privacy. We realize and support this idea. That’s why we treat your inalienable rights with maximum respect. With our company there is no ground for you to worry about.